Our experienced team is dedicated to providing accurate and efficient screening services, tailored to your specific needs.

Our thorough screening process includes background checks, employment verification, and criminal record checks, providing you with the peace of mind that your team is comprised of trustworthy and reliable individuals.

With our expertise, you can make informed hiring decisions and minimize the risks associated with bringing new employees on board. Don’t leave the safety of your organization to chance – let us help you ensure the integrity of your team through our comprehensive verification screening services.

How Executive Search Can solve the current skills

According to the latest research by Virgin Media O2 Business and Censuswide, 55% of the organisations in the UK are facing talent shortages.

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The executive search team at ARENA Recruitment will help you find, recruit, and develop innovative leaders.


of C-suite executives would be willing to change their employer for the right opportunity.


of leaders agree their executive leadership team has a successful strategy for C-level succession.


of nomination committee chairs say DE&I expertise is important for senior executives.

How We Help You

We understand the importance of hiring trustworthy employees, and that’s why we offer comprehensive verification screening services to help you make informed hiring decisions.

We conduct in-depth background checks on potential employees to ensure that their employment history, education, and credentials are accurate and truthful.

Our verification screening includes criminal history checks to identify any potential red flags that could pose a risk to your company or employees.

We offer drug testing services to ensure that your new hires are drug-free and will be a safe and reliable addition to your team.

Our identity verification services ensure that the candidate you are considering is who they claim to be, reducing the risk of identity theft or fraud.

Our team can help ensure that your verification screening process is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, giving you peace of mind during the hiring process.


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